Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 8, 2014

Destapabanana will fulfil all your fruit-based fantasies – it inserts liquid caramel and chocolate into your banana Hannah Gale

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This tool will insert liquid caramel into your banana
You know what would make your elevenses banana even better? A liquid chocolate or caramel core, obvs.

Destapabanana is a kitchen appliance from Argentina, and it works by removing the the centre of your banana and replacing it with a delicious soft liquid of your choice. We know, it sounds all kinds of incredible.

Whilst the obvious options are things like Nutella and dulche de leche, you can opt for healthier fillings too like kale puree and natural yoghurt to make your banana, y’know, a bit more exciting on a day to day basis.

So much fruit fun to be had (Picture:

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